Refund and Returns Policy

Refund & Returns Overview

What is your return policy?

We have a Seven day return policy. A request for returning any product can be placed within seven days of receipt of the product. Return policy will only apply if the product is received broken, or not what is ordered. There is no policy of testing the product and then return. Every product has its own characteristics according to which the return policy is made. You can check from the product description page for more information on the product return policy.

How does a return take effect?

There are two ways of making return of the product

a.   Pick up : In most of the locations,
we offer pick up service from the door step of the customer. The option will be
made available to you when you place a return request. As soon as the product
is picked up from your location, the amount will be credited back to your
account on the website in the form of gift coins which you can redeem while
purchasing any other product of your choice.

b.   Self-shipment: In case we don’t offer a pickup facility at a particular place, you can self ship the product on the address given by us and share with us the receipt of courier sent to us. Once we receive the product back, we will credit the amount in form of gift coins in your account which you can use in purchasing any item. Moreover the courier charges will also be borne by us and the gift coins equivalent to courier charges will be credited in your account.

Can I return any kind of product

No, some products are such of nature that once opened they cannot be reused by another customer like deodorants, perfumes, expensive watches, jewelry, sleepwear, lingerie etc. Such products cannot be returned unless received in broken condition.


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